Embody your Unique Energy using Human Design with Hannah Crerar.

  • Identify + align with your Human Design Energy type
  • Understand the Energy types that exist around you and how to optimise your energy 
  • Start trusting your body’s signals and learn how to set energetic boundaries


This Video Series will help you to:

  • Navigate relationships and career changes with more self-awareness
  • Recognise the emotions that signal you are living in alignment
  • Reveal where you are vulnerable to societal conditioning
  • Find the confidence to love all parts of you

This series features 5 videos, one each on Human Design Energy Type; Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, Manifesting-Generators and Reflectors.

A note from Hannah.

Human Design + Astrology Reader, Yoga, Meditation + Nidra Guide, Soul Psychologist | Founder, Hannah Soul Psychology

I have been geeking out over spirituality, psychology, and self-development for years. I know self-awareness is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

Human Design is a system that blends spirituality and science. It has been a huge catalyst in my own self-growth, self-confidence, and deep spiritual connection.

If you want to trust yourself more, find flow in your life and cultivate more self-love, there is a way that is perfectly niche to you.

Knowing more about your Human Design Energy Type can give you the confidence to start living in the way your soul desires.

Embodying your Energy Type will require you to let go of old conditioning. I created these videos to give you insight into HOW you can actually do that.

I hope that in watching, your Soul will light up and you will feel a sense of permission to truly be who you came here to be.

I promise your energy is needed here. So let’s free it up!!


Hannah xx

Embody your Unique Energy using Human Design

All you need to know is your birth date, time, and location.

  • Identify + align with your Human Design Energy type
  • Understand the Energy types that exist around you
  • Start trusting your body’s signals

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